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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

New House?

In addition to planning a wedding, Todd and I are in the midst of buying a house and selling his house. We have a contract on an adorable little bungalow in Columbia and we'll close on December 28. Now the big trick is that we REALLY NEED to sell Todd's house by December 28. We've prayed a lot about it and know that we're doing the right thing and that God will take care of us, but it's a little scary thinking about owning two houses at once.

The really exciting thing is that I'll get to move into the new house in January and live there alone until the Big Day! I can girl it up in there for 4 months! (kidding)

This is a picture of the new house on Enoree. I take a really crooked picture, I know, but I just love it! Our first home as The Carrolls!

There is a great big backyard for Boudreaux to play in... and anyone who has met that dog knows that he needs a great deal of room to release all of that crazy Golden Retriever energy. But with that face, how could you not love him?