On Saturday morning, mom and I drove to West Columbia for a shower in honor of Todd and me hosted by some of Todd's family friends-- and new friends of mine. Todd met my dad and his dad at our house and they all built our storage shed in the backyard. The shower was beautiful and the brunch was fantastic! I got to see some friends of mine, meet some great ladies, and we got some truly beautiful things. Two of the best gifts of the day....

Lindsay Adams and her mother, Cathy, were two of the six hostesses of this great event. I've really enjoyed getting to know them. They are Todd's second family and I'm looking forward to them being my third family. They are the sweetest, most loving people and I already feel so fortunate to know them. Lindsay and her husband have a blog, too, and I love reading about her adventures in baseball land!
lindsay and me
nana, PC, me, and mom

the hostess in their aprons and oven mits!
the hostesses and me