While shopping in Charlotte last weekend, I decided to stop into the Kate Spade store to try on the baby bag and see which style I liked and what kind of strap would be the most comfortable. They were having a 30% off sale! 30% off and a huge store credit! They were practically giving it away! I had to get the bag that day while the sale was going on and before I used my store credit on a small clutch! This gorgeous bag was only going to cost us peanuts. Todd's mom offered to get it for us and I'm so excited to have it.
I wasn't really worried about making sure to get a pink bag if it's a girl and a blue bag if it's a boy. The baby isn't the one that's going to be carrying the bag for two years anyway. I wear at least one piece of black every day, so it's going to match everything. I can't stop staring at it!