Friday, October 30, 2009
did you move with me?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
a birthday!!!
Today is the last day that I'll be posting Blue-Eyed Bride posts at this address, This blog has really evolved from just a family blog to update everyone on our wedding plans to a place where I find my friends every day.
From now on, you can find me at BlueEyedBride {dot} com. Click on the button below to be directed to the new site and find out all of the exciting details!
I am so excited for all of you to see the hard work that has gone into the new site and I would be so happy if all of you come along for the ride with me. My blog friendships mean so much to me, so please don't forget to make the switch!
I have turned off the comments at this address. All of my old and archived posts can be found at the new address, too.
If you have any questions, please email me at eeakin11 {at} gmail {dot} com. Lots of exciting things are coming up, including the arrival of Baby Boy Carroll and the debut of his nursery. Please come with us and update your Readers!
Love y'all!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
pre-baby maternity leave to do list
- Finish reading Same Kind of Different as Me
- Read The Shack
- Finish reading The Happiest Baby on the Block
- Read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- Clear out my DVR
- Catch up on my Netflix
- Go to Target to get last minute items for hospital bag
- Organize closet and put away most maternity clothes (while realizing that my old clothes won't fit immediately)
- Stock the pantry and freezer with ingredients for meals
- Make a list of desired meals and organize recipes
- Put together a good list of people to call when the baby arrives
- Begin working on big blog project
- Install car seats
- Get guest bedroom ceiling repaired
- Wait.
Does anyone have any good book suggestions or movie suggestions? It will be a long time before we can go to the movies, so my Netflix queue is in need of a good update.
Finally, would anyone like to volunteer to bring a beautiful order of sushi to me in the hospital?

Oh, and an Arnold Palmer, please!
image via Hostess Blog
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
moving along
At my last doctor's appointment at 36 weeks, I had an ultrasound to check out his position. At this point I'm reluctant to say anything about how things are progressing because 1) so many readers and commenters are harsh and judgmental and will tell me to change something about what I'm doing and I just don't want to read it right now and 2) things could change at any point on their own. I don't want to report news because I know that by my next appointment things could change.
Our little boy is currently a whopping 7 lbs 9 oz and at my next appointment on Thursday of this week I'm sure they'll tell me he's even bigger than that. He is in oblique position and running out of room to turn. I've had two ultrasounds in the last two weeks and I'll have another this Thursday to see what position he's in. If, at that point, he is still oblique, the doctor wants to schedule a c-section for 38 weeks. So this guy could be here before June.
We're frantically trying to get everything ready before next Thursday as we prepare for his arrival. We'll put the finishing touches on the nursery, finally get the car seat and extra car seat base installed, and now we've got one more project to tackle. We live in an old house and have had some leak trouble in our guest bedroom the whole time we've lived there. After a few repairs but not official diagnoses, the ceiling finally fell in yesterday. Beautiful. This is the room that my parents will be staying in when they come to help me with the baby, so it's crucial that we get it fixed as soon as possible.
Nothing like good timing, right?
Good news, though: my last day of work before maternity leave is Friday. It's so nice to have that light at the end of the tunnel. I'm experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions a few times every day and working is next to impossible. Sitting is next to impossible. I'm looking forward to being at home and preparing myself mentally for our lives to change!
I promise to post an update after my appointment on Thursday. Keep us in your prayers as we enter the final few days. Baby's health is of utmost importance to me.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
holy prom photo, Batman!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
How I Clean Now
For the past few weeks I've been working for Pledge helping them to promote this product-- and they are paying me and offering me some very helpful advice on how to maintain a clean, baby-friendly home. This is the new Pledge Multi-Surface Cleaner. You can learn a lot more about it and a great contest for you at How I Clean Now.

You can read my blog posts, and the posts of four other bloggers who have some home cleaning challenges, at the How I Clean Now bloggers page.
We opened up our home to a video crew and those videos will go live in a few days so you can see me talk about my challenges and our problem areas. The lovely Trish Suhr will be offering me some very helpful feedback to try to get my house ready for Baby Boy Carroll and how to easily maintain a clean house once he arrives.
So if you want to see what I'm writing about and how I'm losing all kinds of control in my home because of pregnancy, dogs, and lack of energy, please check out the Pledge blog. And feel free to leave your cleaning tips as comments on that blog.